Ambassador World Cup H1 2024 Qualifiers

Ambassador World Cup H1 2024 Qualifiers
Introduction HackerOne organizes this yearly team-based live hacking event where hackers from all around the world team up based on their locality and compete against each other. This year they organized the third edition of the Ambassador World Cup. Today marks the official start of the 2024 #AmbassadorWorldCup! 40 teams and over 700 hackers from around the world are taking on the challenge to help our AWC partners, @SuperbetRomania, @amazon, and @Mercadolibre, strengthen their security.
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YesWeHack Dojo Challenge 0823

YesWeHack Dojo Challenge 0823
Introduction This was an SQL challenge hosted by YesWeHack as their monthly DOJO challenge. You can find it here. I had been noticing these DoJo challenges popping up in my Twitter feed for the last couple of months but was busy (being lazy) so couldn’t really try to solve them. But this time I decided to put it in my to-do list so that I am reminded every time I have a look at the list.
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Hacking GraphQL API Using Race Conditions

Introduction I have been using this platform for quite a few years. I will not be disclosing the platform’s name for obvious reasons. While using it, I discovered an interesting functionality related to in-game currency. Periodically, users are awarded a gift that, when claimed, grants them 10 coins. These coins can be used to acquire merchandise, premium subscriptions, and other benefits on the platform. I made a mental note of this feature and continued with my day, procrastinating.
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Intigriti XSS Challenge 0623

Intigriti XSS Challenge 0623
This was a monthly XSS challenge hosted by Intigriti in June 2023
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Intigriti XSS Challenge 0522

Intigriti XSS Challenge 0522
This was a monthly XSS challenge hosted by Intigriti
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